Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Quilts


I have now several that are ready to sew. Once I get done with sewing there will be at least 15 quilts for xmas all together. I will be posting pictures as they are done. This is for post unit 8 and than I had 5 pinned now with the pinning I have more for unit 9. All will be ready for pictures as I get the top done and than I will have a picture taken to put here. Please follow my post to see what kind of quilts that I will have showing.


Friday, March 12, 2010

more quilts

I now have a third quilt pinned and ready to go as I am also working on two more. I am going to get all pinned and sit down to sew by hand than when the backs are ready to be put on I am going to use the sewing machine to sew three sides than sew the bottom by hand or top which ever but that is what I am going to do. Til next blog hoping to be starting the sewing on quilts to get pictures on her of every one I get done.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

more quilts

Hello I just wanted to say I have three more quilts that I am doing at this time and two is still waiting to be sewn. I am planning on having all different types done for xmas so this is why I am doing what I can do together at the same time. These are sewn basically by hand unless I see I am running out of time to do what I can do as I am needing them done.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My quilts, quilting blog

I am enjoying how to do quilting. I have done this years ago but never did it again for years. I than decided to try again about 4 years ago but never really done to much at that time. Than approx 2 1/2years ago my mother and I decided to make a quilt for my great grand baby and my mother's great great grand baby. It was so much fun that I decided that I wanted to go ahead and start back up again. So I decided that I wanted to make quilts for the kids here where I live at. I have got two done and have two started. It is very relaxing for me to do these. Now once these are done I will be trying to get more done. Hopefully I can get maybe 2 more done for Christmas. I am not sure how many I can get done but I am hoping I can have more than just two done. A lot of times it is more fun and relaxing when you can get homemade things done from someone in your family or even a friend for they too may enjoy something that comes from the heart and by you putting so much time into them.

Sunday, February 7, 2010